Tania 7th July 2020

Why am I feeling like this , grief is a rollercoaster days like this I want to give in and just let the world roll over even quicker than the day before wishing my own life away so we can be together again , I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to go through the pain I’m continuing going through every second every minute every hour Every day I want to tell you and show you so much of what you have already missed out on I never thought of living my life without you it should of been the other way around i should of gone way before you there is a massive whole where you once stood and no matter who is born into our lives or passes away the whole will never be filled even the things that used to annoy and bug the life out of me I would give every luxury I have up to spend even a few seconds /minutes to have you here with us all we miss you so much all of our lives have been destroyed since the day you was tragically taken away from us ,